Citation Photo Search

View Photos of Code Enforcement Citations: This site allows you to view photographs stored in the Code Enforcement Citation Photo Database. It has been our experience that viewing photographs of the cited offenses assist individuals in understanding why the citation was issued. Every effort is made to have photos available within 48 hours of the issuance of the citation; unfortunately this is not always possible. If you recently received a citation and the photos are not available at this time please revisit the site in a day or two. Not all violations result in photographs being taken. Photos are stored for approximately 120 days from the date of issuance. The photographs and images contained in this database are the result of code enforcement actions. These photos are for informational purposes only. Individuals receiving a citation must pay the fines or request a hearing by the appropriate due date as instructed on the citation. The content on this website, images or lack of images do not in anyway waive an individual’s responsibility to comply with a citation. These images are provided for your personal use as is, along with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the property to date as the status of the cited code violations are subject to change at any time. The information found here should not be used to make financial or other commitments and any conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user. Baltimore City makes no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information provided and assumes no liability for the use of these images.

Instructions for Viewing Photos of Code Enforcement Citations:
You must have your citation number available in order to view photographs on this site. Your citation number is 8 digits long and is printed on the citation below the address information and under the heading “Violation”. Multiple citations may be listed on one document, each citation must be searched separately. To view the photos simply enter your citation number in the space provided and hit enter.

Please Key in the Citation Number(ie,12345678):